Dear fellow resident,
Brighton and Hove City Council has lost its way. Rubbish is not being reliably collected; litter lines our streets; weeds and verges are not being cut; hundreds of council homes lie empty; and the recycling rate is among the worst in the UK.
After 12 years of Green-Labour Councils, the City has become a soft-touch on antisocial behaviour and the Council refuses to use its local powers to tackle it.
Greens/Labour have lost their focus: They waste hours of Council time on debating national/international issues—instead of fixing the local issues they were elected by residents to manage. Enough is enough.
Our local Conservative Councillor Team has a proactive plan to re-focus this City Council on its primary task, which is delivering its statutory services to residents. I hope you will complete this survey and let us know your thoughts.
Councillor Steve Bell
Leader of Brighton and Hove Conservative Group