Time to get Brighton & Hove City Council delivering basic services again

Dear fellow resident,


Brighton and Hove City Council has lost its way.  Rubbish is not being reliably collected; litter lines our streets; weeds and verges are not being cut; hundreds of council homes lie empty; and the recycling rate is among the worst in the UK. 


After 12 years of Green-Labour Councils, the City has become a soft-touch on antisocial behaviour and the Council refuses to use its local powers to tackle it.


Greens/Labour have lost their focus:  They waste hours of Council time on debating national/international issues—instead of fixing the local issues they were elected by residents to manage.  Enough is enough.


Our local Conservative Councillor Team has a  proactive plan to re-focus this City Council on its primary task, which is delivering its statutory services to residents.  I hope you will complete this survey and let us know your thoughts.


Councillor Steve Bell

Leader of Brighton and Hove Conservative Group


Brighton & Hove survey

  • Current Brighton & Hove issues
  • About you and your views
  • Get involved
  • Your details
Do you support our campaign to refocus Brighton & Hove City Council on delivering its basic services?
Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised?
Do you agree that Brighton & Hove City Council has become a soft touch on antisocial behaviour?
Which of the following measures would you like to see implemented by the Council to tackle antisocial behaviour?
Are Council parking schemes a problem in your area?
Which THREE of the below would you describe as your top priorities for local transport?
How important is it to you that the Council reopens the face-to-face services?


Record of Council under scrutiny as 2023 election comes into sight

With the residents of Brighton and Hove now less than six months away from going to the polls to elect a new City Council at the local elections on May 4th, it is time to reflect on and review the performance of the current council over the past four-year term.   There is no doubt it has been